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Noreen Taylor
Noreens Paintings

Framed Art/Floral Arrangments

34 Clearview Drive,
Dover, DE 19901

Facebook: Theorem Paintings by Noreen


Gallery hours

By appointment only.

Artist Statement

There is no way in life, to not to be enthusiastic when creating. I enjoy being creative in a number of mediums. The area I have the most experience and excel at is Theorem Painting. I tell my students who say over and over that they are "not talented or artists"that first there is the skill of art, understanding the functional part of it then once that is learned you can then add your creative side the true personality of art. The problem is most do not learn the skill they give up too easily and I am glad I have learned the rewards of staying committed to the process.

About the Artist

I am a Dover Resident, Wife and Mother of 3 young men. I quit working about 10 years ago due to an illness. Ever since have not returned to working full time, but some days with the family and my art I feel like I definitely am working full time. I discovered Theorem Painting at Winterthur Museum and became very interested a year later was taking lessons about 10 years ago. I had a great teacher who had learned from her grandmother and was sharing what had been handed down in her family. This is so important for the future to protect these Schoolgirl Arts. I took right to this art form and still love doing it just as much today. I have been choose a total 7 years for top 200 artisans in Early American Life Magaize publication. This is a very wonderful privilege considering the judges are from curators of many museums such as the White House, Wintiethur and many other great institutions. I enjoy doing a few shows a year and continuing to come up with new designs and new ways to share the beautiful designs of years ago.











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