Maria Liberto Bessette
Liberto's Art
Painting / Folk Art / Fiber Decorative / Personal Products
(Handcrafted Natural Soaps &
Bath Products)
116 Crescent Drive
Dover, DE 19904
Visit Home Studio by Appointment Only
I have a great love for wildlife and the natural landscape, which is evident in the oil and acrylic paintings of still life subjects, Delaware landscapes and wearable fiber items. Utilizing design, pattern, and natural elements in the creative process of art is the ultimate expression of myself. Historical art forms is also of great interest to me and is evident in my production of traditional floor cloths, as well as painted furniture. Many decorative and utilitarian items were handmade by earlier generations, entwined in their everyday lives. My goal as an artisan is to provide interest, education and appreciation of these almost forgotten crafts by bringing to life our historical and cultural past.
My drawing and painting skills were developed early in life with the guidance of my artist mother. I have participated in many regional juried fine art and outdoor shows. I remain a sincere advocate of the arts, our natural resources and cultural past. I continue my mothers' legacy by creating art with my grandchildren as well as providing art instruction to children, adults and senior citizens and exhibiting selections of my work.
I am proud to have my art included in the Delaware Folk Art Permanent Collection at the Blue Ball Barn in Alapocas Run State Park Wilmington, DE, which opened on March 1, 2007.
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