Gavin Standish
The Tole Patch
Painting in Acrylics
26 Applewood Dr.
Dover, DE 19901
Having gown up surrounded by American History, it was a natural transition to exploring the decorative arts. In the past thirty years, I have studied all over the United States with numerous master painters and all with their unique style. I continually grow as a painter and artist.
My favorite styles are those from early America like the Penn. Dutch pieces and early Tole pieces. Both these styles feature stroke work. They often are antiqued to give them an aged look. I love to paint primitive landscapes and still lives. As a change of pace, I paint more current styles. I prefer to paint on wooden objects. These include decorative pieces and plaques, trays, boxes, or furniture. I am just beginning to do my own designing. Most of my pieces where designed by others, then adapted and painted by me.
Teaching decorative painting is very fulfilling. I have been teaching for more than thirty years. I love to watch my students develop into skilled artists. Decorative painting is taught in a step-by-step method with everyone painting the same design. It is amazing how different the pieces look and yet how well done they are. I teach in my home studio which is open by appointment.
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